Which of these types of interaction are most effective for online learning? Drag and drop to rank in order of most effective where top=most effective:
  • Interaction with other students, e.g. forum discussion (may include tutor), group work, pair task, adding comments to wikis/blogs etc.
  • Interaction with the tutor, e.g. online webinar/ lecture, 1-1 tutorial, coaching session, email, phone etc.
  • Interaction with interactive content, e.g. computer simulation, multimedia interactions etc. (Exclude reading text/video)

Which of these types of feedback are most effective for online learning? Drag and drop to rank in order of most effective where top=most effective:
  • Feedback from the tutor, e.g. formative or summative feedback or grades etc.
  • Computer feedback e.g. automatic feedback from computer simulation, computer-marked test etc.
  • Self-feedback e.g. using model answers, self-reflection, trial and error exercises etc.
  • Feedback from peers, e.g. structured peer-assessment exercise, grading activity etc.

Which one of these most closely resembles what you think is opposed to, or the opposite of, 'interaction'?

Which one of these most closely resembles what you think is opposed to, or the opposite of, 'feedback'?